Dispersed and Connected:
Mobilities, materialities and belonging(s) in Mongolia and beyond
January 23-24, 2020 / Weltmuseum Wien, Vienna
The INTERNATIONAL MONGOLIAN STUDIES SYMPOSIUM VIENNA will take place at the Weltmuseum Wien from 23 to 24 January 2020. The symposium focuses on social and cultural anthropology and interdisciplinary approaches including Mongolia-related research on archaeology, history, arts and natural sciences. Contributions will be on topics such as: mobilities, infrastructures, transit zones and environment; materialities, art and artefacts; Mongolian people and belonging(s). Some of the questions related to (but not limited to) these topics are: What affects do global politics and related infrastructure projects have on the environment and society? How are or were infrastructures related to the movement of materialities, goods and artefacts? And how do they connect or disperse people, animals, spirits and belongings?
The symposium aims to be a forum for international Mongolian Studies scholars to present and discuss theoretical and empirical research approaches, exchange knowledge and enhance communication on current research issues. We intend to bring researchers, scholars and artists together biennially with the aim of discussing current and recent investigations, ongoing research projects and experiences.
Contributions by:
Saskia Abrahms-Kavunenko (University of Erfurt) | Tsetsentsolmon Baatarnaran (Austrian Academy of Sciences) | Bumochir Dulam (National University of Mongolia) | Zoljargal Enkh-Amgalan (MPI-SHH Jena) | Christina Franken (German Archaeological Institute) | Claudia Heu (Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna) | Lars Højer (University of Copenhagen) | Byambabaatar Ichinkhorloo (University of Zürich / University of Oxford) | Katharina Kohler (University of Applied Arts Vienna) | Erdenebold Lhagvasuren (Mongolian University of Science and Technology) | Gabriela Krist (University of Applied Arts Vienna) | Charlotte Marchina (INALCO, Paris) | Maria Katharina Lang (Austrian Academy of Sciences) | Björn Reichhardt (Humboldt University Berlin, MPI-SHH Jena) | Hendrik Rohland (German Archaeological Institute) | Egshig Shagdarsuren (National University of Mongolia) | Alevtina Solovyeva (University of Tartu) | Batbayar Tumurochir (Mongolian Academy of Sciences) | Erdenebat Ulambayar (National University of Mongolia) et al.